British Victory

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Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
Charred 64.12% 70.08% 77.54%
Arado_Ackbar 70.69% 72.10% 26.70%
burningspartan 71.73% 70.63% 78.07%
Global_Wings 70.71% 69.62% 15.75%
Smib 67.89% 71.87% 38.10%
CuBe1705 49.76% 11.75% doesn`t play
arthur40649 54.54% 55.41% doesn`t play
xBirdsNestx 72.14% 58.95% doesn`t play
leinad3 61.67% 55.21% doesn`t play
Rottphoenix 67.41% 69.06% doesn`t play
Teh_flying_home 68.15% 72.15% 81.07%
TheWaspy 64.06% 17.00% doesn`t play
*Eskrimador1206 46.42% 35.56% 17.91%
barnikopter 61.22% 65.52% 56.71%
Simonayy 69.13% 69.42% 34.31%
S_tank 59.13% doesn`t play doesn`t play
dounght 62.12% 57.17% 22.28%
TheBeerBaron 66.47% 59.23% 21.73%
ak47lobster 50.23% 18.01% doesn`t play
c5_1 68.07% 70.73% 55.88%
Maxhardcase 66.20% 67.01% 28.84%
florentino3 68.01% 43.68% doesn`t play
*Reagan1975 54.90% 3.02% doesn`t play
Brennando28 71.59% 68.28% 83.76%
aventador17055 60.30% 71.18% doesn`t play
baigeibaba 67.19% 15.25% doesn`t play
Ludwig_von_Baith 61.67% 73.14% doesn`t play
DENCH-MARKY-@psn 68.89% 63.88% 70.04%
Sea_Potato 65.04% 79.21% doesn`t play
MeinFraulein690@live 67.38% 75.73% doesn`t play
D1SC0RD 69.38% 64.56% 29.54%
comadore86 55.35% 61.91% 19.09%
Emulous307 63.25% 64.46% 30.80%
Count155mm 64.10% 60.89% doesn`t play
Mr_Chu8 65.33% 68.65% 32.82%
redglobe1 65.24% 49.08% doesn`t play
impulsedrop 65.37% 71.51% 79.47%
DapperGiant 67.95% 59.39% doesn`t play
Grrimstar 68.69% 70.00% doesn`t play
theold 68.34% 68.99% doesn`t play
Waltuhh 61.32% 65.20% 61.23%
CBRN4379@live 53.46% 53.54% 74.81%
Chanander 67.04% 67.27% doesn`t play
Machesto 65.08% 66.07% doesn`t play
SL1ER 55.73% 69.67% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: May 18, 2020