
last 7 days: 18 visitors and 51 pageviews, today: 3 visitors and 4 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
A1Bomber 94.53% 55.51% 36.19%
Powderfinger 81.03% 61.64% 41.61%
TBRod 83.80% 67.94% 84.67%
golfclubdic 70.38% 58.65% 78.51%
VonCiruy 90.62% doesn`t play doesn`t play
comeandseevx 79.05% doesn`t play doesn`t play
AldoSchmedack 73.41% 51.46% 27.29%
RuggyRat 74.67% 71.09% 24.18%
Wormwood YT 81.49% 66.84% 88.15%
theAlamo 83.37% 64.22% 75.45%
zaqty 76.63% 63.26% doesn`t play
Hialan5566 74.25% 49.52% doesn`t play
Arc74 80.48% 61.36% 29.02%
Tangoblue 75.83% 60.70% doesn`t play
MTOW 82.52% 56.79% doesn`t play
ManeatinShEePs 72.73% doesn`t play doesn`t play
MTOW544 81.30% doesn`t play doesn`t play
CHero 73.22% 59.30% 26.53%
TeaNX 75.25% 53.01% doesn`t play
SHMOINK 71.84% doesn`t play doesn`t play
mynamesthereaper 79.72% 51.10% doesn`t play
Shaggger 78.90% 49.51% doesn`t play
ZWARTEMEOWTED 77.25% 15.38% doesn`t play
SirBeavo 81.00% 19.17% doesn`t play
chiller____55 71.07% 52.11% doesn`t play
MetalSlayDethAx 72.00% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Gepardking 78.14% doesn`t play doesn`t play
DaFrizzy1 77.17% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Better_Than_Rod 84.99% 21.34% doesn`t play
coffeecart 71.83% 55.98% doesn`t play
StickyBunz 84.09% 23.80% doesn`t play
Reflexbull 78.13% doesn`t play doesn`t play
knightmedic 70.32% 64.46% doesn`t play
Maxsimius 72.06% 22.10% doesn`t play
Ducky2010 79.46% 40.89% doesn`t play
G1b2 73.89% 6.78% doesn`t play
Staliniumm 77.98% 64.71% doesn`t play
pops_g19@psn 71.75% 53.18% doesn`t play
TheClayBar 79.36% 52.16% doesn`t play
NedKelly1880 85.33% doesn`t play doesn`t play
SkyScooter 75.60% doesn`t play doesn`t play
EthanYingxiang 77.65% 59.13% doesn`t play
GenEyesInShower 76.41% doesn`t play doesn`t play
GenEisenhowitzer 74.29% doesn`t play doesn`t play
美大落ち 66.22% 59.41% doesn`t play
Night_Beast10 73.11% 60.50% doesn`t play
TTV_PeacHicles 64.34% 15.87% doesn`t play
Floomus_CW 71.03% 67.31% doesn`t play
Scorbo_Scrubs_Seals 71.46% 16.24% 32.93%
rollingturtle 68.48% 67.20% doesn`t play
MayhemOfMystic 65.91% doesn`t play doesn`t play
RenegadeX 76.41% 42.92% doesn`t play
Kaiser Zosay 71.00% 8.62% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: May 23, 2020