
last 7 days: 4 visitors and 45 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
-ROVER- 72.82% 59.21% 21.16%
Jester_02 80.90% 22.45% doesn`t play
Neorealism 65.61% 67.23% 84.40%
GunnaWitDaPole@psn 71.72% 69.54% doesn`t play
Madtech689 76.08% 57.54% 32.73%
Tazman5 75.08% 54.60% doesn`t play
ArcBloodsworth 75.02% 67.13% 74.12%
FuegoTigre 70.13% 66.05% 77.54%
AlmightyGnome 67.97% 47.83% doesn`t play
Remorseless1 68.08% 65.01% 70.99%
FlatHatter 69.15% 60.72% doesn`t play
jamesthedestroye 81.95% 28.56% doesn`t play
proCaylak 73.72% 71.19% 53.12%
brngrofdeth_454@psn 67.92% 64.31% 75.79%
LucasZelas 63.72% 68.54% 22.94%
DrKielczy 71.08% 64.32% 69.08%
exseque@psn 69.77% 70.47% 34.46%
Momo31260@psn 68.58% 53.09% doesn`t play
Half_blood 71.00% 63.58% 80.95%
NibblerPoo 75.37% 61.66% 27.23%
KESBOY 66.77% 66.03% 40.95%
NJG1_Gruppe_3 70.27% 22.17% doesn`t play
ice_emALL 72.74% 65.55% doesn`t play
Truckerman07@psn 63.12% 49.07% doesn`t play
C_is_4_Caleb 69.01% 68.61% 60.53%
DaveGunner99 74.24% 64.32% 27.95%
Ritmaister 70.64% 70.14% 76.37%
The_AAA_Battery 69.14% 64.50% 30.73%
Pandaman445 72.64% 75.82% doesn`t play
Zinzan26601 70.80% 57.98% 13.68%
LordKane1 81.89% 65.81% doesn`t play
Abdototti06 66.10% 63.05% 77.97%
PRO_Chicken 69.00% 69.80% 77.25%
K1CK___ 86.57% 66.47% doesn`t play
szfejcio_ 59.78% 70.69% 31.36%
Votslok 75.32% 81.09% 88.86%
Sizzlepan 68.70% 67.25% 57.71%
z0d420 87.02% 79.32% 79.53%
ArtilleryAxel 79.85% 67.29% 79.96%
Snypr2 68.04% 74.08% doesn`t play
TermedSaturn942 75.98% 74.17% 39.52%
OrbitalWriter13@live 74.60% 45.09% doesn`t play
FeralGrizz 70.65% 55.00% doesn`t play
greetingsall 73.77% 38.91% doesn`t play
GBunders@psn 73.43% 62.94% doesn`t play
FLAVICTORY 69.24% 11.75% doesn`t play
LSR MoRTlS@live 69.34% 65.86% doesn`t play
Srgt Crack@live 69.63% 68.28% 25.87%
monkeyman16 67.63% 65.78% doesn`t play
infantjones 71.71% 61.01% doesn`t play
TironStarstryker 70.69% 21.66% 29.32%
tronexer 70.33% 68.56% 74.16%
Panzer1717 77.23% 69.96% 80.37%
GALERS01 72.29% 67.87% 25.60%
Daniel8599 79.24% 65.61% doesn`t play
crazy_diamon1980 69.52% 68.11% 83.77%
DJ_tj 76.61% 72.03% 33.36%
Preadus 76.68% 56.55% doesn`t play
Vorpal_Bunny 66.50% 66.43% doesn`t play
Mr Scrooge 75.45% doesn`t play doesn`t play
DIEPLZKTHX 86.30% 75.24% 29.17%
Qdjgamingh 70.34% 60.29% 37.50%
Phoenix_Risen_ 64.45% 57.23% doesn`t play
Rat_King_Inf 71.33% 74.07% doesn`t play
LtSpinx 67.27% 23.23% 72.62%
MetalHunter00 70.60% 67.69% 58.14%
cristi17ro 72.08% 67.51% doesn`t play
jonathanvaljean 72.67% 18.64% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: May 30, 2020