MAI- Moscow Aviation Institute

last 7 days: 6 visitors and 10 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
HORROR_ 68.51% 64.33% 84.18%
Ice_Saber 70.35% 73.91% 43.66%
Maho_Nishizumi_S 80.43% 77.58% 82.70%
comradPhonker 73.02% 71.25% 77.06%
assadoc 64.14% 77.02% 36.53%
UrcadeLima 63.66% 67.25% 88.04%
_Herospace_ 66.72% 64.83% 75.92%
paracetamol_ 67.92% 69.43% 75.54%
panzerbuern 67.39% 68.23% 71.25%
Pay99p 62.75% 63.70% doesn`t play
Tasalit 66.09% 67.09% doesn`t play
amurdimas 66.08% 72.34% doesn`t play
BlackStream76 70.83% 75.18% 30.16%
mishtankus 59.32% 51.99% 29.14%
Kir4ShumK 71.01% 77.53% doesn`t play
PollAder 71.35% 72.60% 38.93%
Zokivan 68.85% 67.57% 81.56%
demid_ufa 65.77% 65.26% doesn`t play
TREMBIS 66.12% 67.76% 85.84%
_B_J_O_R_K_ 66.83% 52.82% 30.80%
sasok34 62.00% 67.32% 75.77%
RLS_DUGA_5H32 61.12% 64.68% 82.42%
Grendaizer43295 61.08% 61.98% 76.45%
teabag_exe 69.75% 73.78% 56.44%
Sherlock6151 61.49% 63.32% 35.28%
foxthenot 41.66% 66.49% doesn`t play
Sanya_varvar 65.09% 61.68% doesn`t play
iluhaals 57.34% 65.18% doesn`t play
AllAllen 68.02% 69.24% doesn`t play
IstrEBITEL_Piva 65.57% 67.81% 67.16%
CrazyCatGames11 63.90% 66.32% doesn`t play
broRITMIXON 64.98% 67.73% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 5 июн. 2020 г.