
last 7 days: 9 visitors and 14 pageviews, today: 3 visitors and 5 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
weeboon 81.79% 17.91% doesn`t play
Honors_2K 89.87% 78.01% doesn`t play
Winice 86.37% 85.64% doesn`t play
TVC15 83.90% 73.02% doesn`t play
gg11060 78.92% 68.41% doesn`t play
psmith4672@psn 85.80% 58.64% 22.14%
FlameSpotter 83.58% 76.70% doesn`t play
Failbaddon 67.53% 71.58% 74.65%
Guzamiro 89.90% 75.83% doesn`t play
areianaras 80.63% 75.88% 26.91%
TheWalletWarrior 84.73% 62.81% doesn`t play
Yannaros 75.57% 53.94% doesn`t play
DoLLBoX 78.94% 72.41% doesn`t play
Duhchuy 84.60% 78.60% 33.65%
derekm16f14 78.49% 67.33% 73.42%
_hagnarok_ 96.09% 66.99% doesn`t play
Peter_Gunn 79.43% 73.87% doesn`t play
Xerum525 85.69% 68.21% doesn`t play
Windy_City 81.64% 63.65% doesn`t play
_Manboiler_ 66.47% 71.49% 74.81%
sk_antilles 78.79% 67.55% doesn`t play
MentalPanda67 78.63% 73.16% doesn`t play
PapaBEAR_7 86.24% 78.97% doesn`t play
PEW_WHOLE 80.54% 75.86% 83.79%
MASTER___CHIEF 71.56% 75.60% 27.02%
ROC_Steven 81.91% 57.96% doesn`t play
AkihiroSAN 76.77% 71.74% 77.74%
Zhaodd 77.11% 44.87% 83.92%
ReiksguardKnight 80.46% 76.57% 75.36%
Szczochacz 83.43% 84.25% 86.32%
SneakySausage 84.80% 76.29% 81.40%
I_AM_CROM 95.58% 64.79% 47.32%
Hermione666 88.71% 74.19% doesn`t play
giantMC 83.45% 8.90% doesn`t play
Zazumev 86.03% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Laser_Kiwi 70.45% 74.53% 83.77%
TellYourFriends 93.52% doesn`t play doesn`t play
_Tupa_ 83.92% doesn`t play doesn`t play
__Lag__ 86.07% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Pvt_Zero 83.47% 19.25% doesn`t play
ppesho 78.13% 82.29% 83.95%
Master__Blaster 84.71% 44.82% doesn`t play
Wingman72 76.60% 78.73% 82.55%
GreatTuna 78.69% 76.48% 76.74%
VICTOR_VVINNER 72.20% 73.17% doesn`t play
ELGSTA 83.77% 54.32% 36.44%
TurnCoat 78.20% 70.43% 30.00%
WinterSolider7 70.32% 72.98% 82.21%
Rupiderkiller 86.22% doesn`t play doesn`t play
PulaskiSkyway 70.84% 74.94% 25.33%
Eric_Ramirez45 67.64% 58.39% doesn`t play
PirateKensai 82.04% doesn`t play doesn`t play
_FAMAS_Moustaki2 89.24% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Sphuzwa 74.63% 80.34% 81.79%
katyusha4002 67.71% 67.64% 80.51%

Last squadron roster check: 18 авг. 2020 г.