Play to Win

last 7 days: 14 visitors and 19 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
Warhound_77 88.39% 56.41% 15.48%
AttackerCat 79.90% 81.36% 85.59%
Snake__Plissken 83.17% doesn`t play doesn`t play
_Tumbleweed_ 91.62% 54.79% doesn`t play
Stryk3r3897 94.78% 69.38% doesn`t play
_Jestr1_ 88.86% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Yohan_1 87.60% doesn`t play doesn`t play
_Goose88_ 94.18% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Banjo57 91.08% 27.51% doesn`t play
Lky195 94.56% 68.90% doesn`t play
LittleRED 93.42% 75.44% doesn`t play
vsgt 89.01% 68.07% 17.99%
ACEZILLA 91.30% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Backenricker 87.11% 21.47% doesn`t play
MadHornet63 89.28% doesn`t play doesn`t play
RallyCry 88.72% 64.65% doesn`t play
lky383 94.67% 72.16% doesn`t play
lky380 91.35% 71.07% doesn`t play
_Acezilla_ 89.21% doesn`t play doesn`t play
lky582 94.80% 74.51% doesn`t play
lky563 91.68% 67.19% doesn`t play
lky580 93.47% 73.10% doesn`t play
RallyCry_v2 94.39% 61.96% doesn`t play
TTV_GN_Hulk007 91.30% 62.63% doesn`t play
齐天大神孙悟空 96.24% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Centurion0079352 82.37% 65.53% doesn`t play
sad2131234454 96.43% doesn`t play doesn`t play
FlankinNShankin 90.14% 64.02% doesn`t play
Mr_McPickle 90.73% 73.80% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 29 апр. 2020 г.