Complete Khaos

last 7 days: 2 visitors and 3 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
NigorTheTigor 43.51% 61.65% 51.17%
Arlokillz 57.83% 72.06% 64.38%
fightbreak 69.49% 70.04% 82.80%
Raido11 52.73% 66.20% 69.48%
CopiumMan 64.73% 67.68% 70.45%
Arcaev 63.80% 76.81% doesn`t play
Battle_Smurf 66.95% 69.67% doesn`t play
HiII 67.09% 69.07% 77.72%
ColonelMustard2 66.45% 64.56% 72.15%
alric1 68.53% 71.71% 80.57%
Dusty_The_Pilot 57.48% 59.01% 70.04%
Gamerin4d 56.98% 63.36% 68.51%
Jules_Sparkle 64.25% 68.83% 69.50%
Champion_TURK 64.93% 63.47% 62.73%
marine1003 64.49% 62.92% 70.04%
Rejn 67.16% 68.35% 28.91%
KidslnAfrica 63.93% 65.91% 78.29%
ImMuted 61.61% 70.74% doesn`t play
Senesar 70.28% 73.14% 74.99%
GavBar707 63.05% 74.41% 87.15%
SureFire58 69.83% 71.65% 85.58%
bzlaacchk 70.03% 72.45% 32.65%
Discam54 64.64% 66.17% 67.99%
TripleCZ 71.17% 74.57% 34.32%
SHADOWxDRAGONx8 68.99% 73.78% 81.46%
glaceo 61.20% 60.39% 26.01%
TheHaloRaptor 58.44% 64.84% 74.88%
TheCoolPersian 55.69% 61.97% 40.76%
Darksoul2142 63.30% 69.75% doesn`t play
KurtCobraindead 64.29% 67.19% doesn`t play
TicTac404 67.32% 70.96% 81.32%
TheGirthShaker 70.39% 71.32% 85.33%
_Iced_ 58.31% 77.27% 36.99%
_DOOMER 23.64% 71.69% doesn`t play
TheGirthTaker doesn`t play 60.61% 34.88%
Pu66y_Destroyer 67.60% 67.10% doesn`t play
Nickgotcreativ 57.31% 66.36% doesn`t play
lildude0101 54.21% 63.16% 79.12%
SpicyTortillaWT 71.82% 67.72% 30.57%
wEEDzy 68.63% 75.04% 37.28%
DeAdMeAt24 56.29% 67.54% doesn`t play
Twotwaffle101 71.90% 69.59% doesn`t play
jaredprojekt@live 65.90% 60.68% doesn`t play
Lichdragon_Fortysnacks 70.97% 76.61% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 30 мая 2020 г.