
last 7 days: 4 visitors and 10 pageviews, today: 2 visitors and 8 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
Belaja_Lilija 72.09% 63.37% 67.55%
森島はるか 76.44% 63.44% doesn`t play
P_Johann 74.81% 77.57% 42.12%
Captaingrass 73.74% 70.46% 19.85%
Eyeon 75.30% 66.63% doesn`t play
SodaPopinski 74.56% 58.06% doesn`t play
BanalityIncarnat 72.57% 79.35% 55.67%
funspawncamping 71.00% 56.50% doesn`t play
PARAMI 76.84% 80.35% doesn`t play
Coyote_Kisses 78.03% 43.89% doesn`t play
FiftyShadesOyVey 79.85% 64.48% doesn`t play
ScrapperCB 76.30% 54.19% doesn`t play
Strellic 75.96% 67.16% doesn`t play
Aristodemons 75.93% 75.45% 85.33%
theGmonsterCarl@psn 74.84% 53.11% doesn`t play
det1380@psn 74.40% 71.44% doesn`t play
Akhaaelikian 78.70% 86.81% doesn`t play
Ival70 74.10% 63.90% doesn`t play
Padddan 79.45% 56.64% doesn`t play
I_Love_Camping 74.20% 35.24% doesn`t play
Arcane_Elysium 73.20% 19.72% doesn`t play
Ashura872 75.08% 67.41% 19.11%
CACHET 76.58% 69.53% doesn`t play
Alkatrus 75.84% 71.23% 26.24%
ItsFriedRice 75.97% 71.41% doesn`t play
Political 69.45% 67.29% 74.44%
Lilith_____ 73.91% 50.71% doesn`t play
_Voodoo_13 79.65% 62.23% doesn`t play
DarkSunHunter 76.47% doesn`t play doesn`t play
OnTheShortBus 72.08% 71.38% 79.90%
OhNoYouBetterRun 82.97% 84.78% 85.93%
SIoppy_Seconds 75.22% 77.01% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 30 мая 2020 г.