Grupul 1 Vanatoare

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About the ??? ??????? ?????:tm: (=1stFG=) | Discord address: https://discord.gg/1stFighterGroup / https://discord.gg/HpBGRe3 

1st Fighter Group is an international War Thunder-based community that also has a squadron that sits at the top for the activity (=1stFG=) that is recruiting active players who enjoy playing squads and want to have fun together. Our clan has been in the top 5 for the activity for over two years now.

•We offer:

-A very active Discord server with over 11,000 members where we often do giveaways as well.
-A relaxed atmosphere with friendly people who are always willing to play and help.
-A large variety of channels and roles to choose from.
-A competent & active staff team that is always able to provide support in certain situations when needed.
-The server members that are active within the community get rewarded with roles and medals. 

•Squadron requirements:

-Must be at least 16 years old (exceptions can be made).
-Must be part of our Discord community.
-Must have at least a rank VI plane or a rank VI tank and 1000 matches in RB (if you do not meet these requirements, but you are active on the server, we can make an exception as well).
-To remain part of the squadron you must keep your activity above 3000 points. If you can't keep up with the task for a while due to any reason, notify someone from the squadron's staff and explain to them the situation so you won't get kicked out due to inactivity.
-To remain part of the squadron your activity also must be constant (a minimum of 300 points every 3 days).
