Devils of war

last 7 days: 2 visitors and 3 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
RedDevil1st504@psn 63.85% 59.26% 28.95%
lokiownsyou666@psn 67.14% 61.46% doesn`t play
_glebasm_ 65.83% 66.90% 82.07%
themr01 72.58% 58.36% doesn`t play
SergSerg12 71.40% 62.33% doesn`t play
Knight_of_Night 70.15% 46.98% doesn`t play
ShanTsung95 70.39% 56.01% doesn`t play
DamianRem 69.19% 53.94% doesn`t play
FeNikS_GT8 68.43% 60.54% doesn`t play
llocrysis 71.10% 71.43% doesn`t play
GOOgie 64.17% 61.47% 78.87%
Ins_1973 59.28% 71.59% 52.78%
Shiyahan 63.36% 61.92% 26.71%
Mr__Sandman59463 69.58% 61.71% doesn`t play
olegtoast4463541 70.05% doesn`t play doesn`t play
pigeon_on_a_hill 55.82% 61.20% 72.58%
Grey_Spirit 67.74% 51.09% doesn`t play
Hagthecatcher@psn 67.46% doesn`t play doesn`t play
zzxxvnhggvcx@psn 56.75% 69.09% doesn`t play
mikeybush@psn 63.67% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Lucas2004-52@psn 66.82% 62.44% doesn`t play
Youngultraguy1 62.41% 51.52% doesn`t play
Darkslasher666 68.74% 51.37% 17.04%
Dana_m_k 66.02% doesn`t play doesn`t play
booterdooter doesn`t play 58.84% doesn`t play
LordBalzerid2 62.22% 55.15% doesn`t play
jirelav 72.80% 16.80% doesn`t play
Olena_ 67.83% doesn`t play doesn`t play
it4profit 63.81% 4.82% doesn`t play
Mirielka 67.31% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Sito254 65.04% 63.02% 22.30%
Lexthex 70.37% 54.35% 26.74%
juako-122@psn 64.35% 12.70% doesn`t play
Fred_Frank 65.16% 60.01% 28.27%
RIOND2222 67.27% 71.06% 81.72%
hawisgood 76.24% 72.95% 28.96%
TheL4stRe4per 68.57% 70.28% doesn`t play
kingkiller43 63.10% 64.64% 34.82%
Nermok 62.45% 62.44% doesn`t play
hunter2431145 14.35% 61.32% doesn`t play
LalleraMester 79.97% doesn`t play doesn`t play
LISIASTY_SCPPL17@psn 60.34% 68.64% doesn`t play
solda66gamer@live 66.62% 55.19% doesn`t play
Evgeniy_Sokolov 66.72% 57.69% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 1 июн. 2020 г.