Squadron *NCO*

last 7 days: 1 visitor and 1 pageview, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
SkifSVD 58.52% 56.46% 84.81%
MikhailKomelkov 62.76% 61.29% 88.73%
_OperatorRTS_ 69.80% 67.74% 60.83%
r_22 72.30% 68.95% 76.65%
ArhanghelGavriil 74.16% 63.98% 87.43%
PanG00se_v 60.26% 70.44% 83.38%
AIIahGaming 68.32% 59.26% doesn`t play
PinaColadaPlus 70.44% 62.81% 32.14%
Mr_Amael@psn 63.77% 61.65% 86.05%
_ZIA 69.87% 60.01% 83.80%
AirPlus5_UA 54.80% 39.31% 88.58%
artemeremin 68.75% 72.37% doesn`t play
ZirikutoSora 63.03% 61.60% doesn`t play
tylerj0119 57.92% 6.05% doesn`t play
franz1542156524 57.33% 66.21% doesn`t play
DimonR995@psn 67.79% 6.65% doesn`t play
LezGetKeyyed@live 66.35% 50.88% doesn`t play
nick_worm 66.51% 75.56% doesn`t play
OfficialFearmazd 30.25% 56.14% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 22 апр. 2020 г.