Squadron ╔WiNFX╕
The WiN Effect

last 7 days: 4 visitors and 6 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
Challenger_TA 94.39% 93.12% doesn`t play
USMC1973 87.13% 65.57% 84.20%
SwarmOfLocusts@psn 81.93% 64.26% doesn`t play
__SonOfCessna__ 91.43% 73.90% doesn`t play
ASHMOXXX 87.95% 78.02% doesn`t play
LinChineseGirl2 90.95% 62.20% doesn`t play
n00bf4c3 91.58% 70.20% doesn`t play
el_maquinista 88.23% 71.22% doesn`t play
MdS2_Ger 86.41% 52.97% doesn`t play
Ackxszel 87.93% 66.43% doesn`t play
SMEGS 92.92% 58.41% doesn`t play
TW_JOE1456 84.10% 81.17% 58.65%
ILOHAS 90.98% 65.40% doesn`t play
GeneralTuliusi 84.54% doesn`t play doesn`t play
AaronBurrr 93.88% 60.31% doesn`t play
Monterosso 89.72% doesn`t play doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: 30 мая 2020 г.