Squadron [DESQU]
Deadly Squad

last 7 days: 4 visitors and 6 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
BaguM514 72.15% 72.82% 32.39%
Yacht_club doesn`t play doesn`t play doesn`t play
_CEKTOP 53.66% 77.54% doesn`t play
Paranoiq 63.74% 81.00% doesn`t play
MountainIce 61.03% 81.59% doesn`t play
TTe4enbKa 68.22% 72.86% 68.20%
_Estimate 59.88% 68.57% 79.34%
Negr_Valera 62.46% 74.54% 32.14%
_WARPER_ 69.22% 70.76% 80.82%
JLeTPyIIIka 70.83% 74.46% doesn`t play
Eps1oN 63.97% 69.20% doesn`t play
vad301_1 69.76% 74.62% 57.54%
aller83 72.49% 45.07% doesn`t play
КЛОУН 58.73% 73.40% doesn`t play
Stavrix doesn`t play 80.28% doesn`t play
SC50 enjoyer 65.63% 70.51% 38.56%
TheGReeddy 66.87% 67.58% doesn`t play
krutov007 63.89% 69.69% 65.32%

Last squadron roster check: 22 апр. 2020 г.