Squadron =MoSp=
Monkey Supremacy

last 7 days: 1 visitor and 1 pageview, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
Tony-Montana 69.75% 62.60% 80.89%
TheShadow62 70.38% 69.13% 77.37%
kofaho 72.78% 64.77% 2.95%
Lt_Tails1 68.16% 67.31% 75.75%
Rebel404Rooster 68.60% 63.51% 71.32%
_moonless_ 64.88% 70.81% 83.24%
CastIronEnjoyer 65.55% 66.84% doesn`t play
bacongaming 64.66% 66.82% 83.59%
Sinolution@psn 63.18% 69.80% 68.85%
Domfan93 69.05% 69.24% 41.53%
Sir_Savege_21 64.07% 65.06% 58.79%
Mveric 64.63% 65.90% 78.65%
phteven98 67.44% 65.55% 79.60%
Ultimum 71.04% 70.84% 54.90%
bazsi83vp 73.84% 72.04% 75.02%
Wojtek008 47.12% 59.90% doesn`t play
SnailDog 73.90% 67.15% 30.18%
Calerid 62.25% 62.30% 74.42%
PcGamingNoob 69.67% 68.29% doesn`t play
mads0ull 65.51% 59.89% doesn`t play
TheNotoriousPig 68.19% 71.42% 30.81%
Just Ken 67.06% 59.79% 23.91%
xxlightsabrexx 66.23% 77.81% doesn`t play
Chatbanned_Olive 66.84% 69.45% 25.27%
shnaider1984 64.23% 17.78% doesn`t play
el_commndante 65.72% 70.64% 61.21%
TransportSupremo 71.19% 73.42% 87.09%
thenotoriousPiG 20.49% 78.14% 40.37%
tpom 72.85% 72.80% 87.14%
Chatbanned_Nosse 65.81% 76.71% 73.84%
Nyroc12 52.48% 67.18% 82.67%
day_of_life1 66.38% 67.81% 72.78%
raiderrrr 65.35% 66.88% 81.60%
risoton06 64.82% 59.05% doesn`t play
Horrorcranky 68.96% 75.22% doesn`t play
Phenomson24 71.84% 69.43% doesn`t play
GeroVonJossa 62.38% 67.97% 80.16%
tickleduckz 67.99% 67.36% doesn`t play
SoiledClown95@live 66.69% 61.67% doesn`t play
makeKK 72.83% 75.64% 27.82%
zoviju 67.76% 75.62% doesn`t play
CleanupOnIL-8 66.77% 69.77% doesn`t play
An_Actual_Bird 71.17% 78.47% doesn`t play
R11G_ 68.03% 75.26% doesn`t play
jlouw821 71.85% 80.54% doesn`t play
WetAssPeggy 59.95% 61.97% doesn`t play
ALiteralMiG31 69.09% 65.06% 78.39%
NoCapDude 54.56% 66.00% doesn`t play
WhiteHawK 69.54% 62.92% 31.21%
Lakatos_VolvoPeek 54.00% 78.25% 59.95%
theglue 66.29% 64.74% doesn`t play
prestonevans5 57.71% 55.24% doesn`t play
Kajroo 70.08% 71.92% doesn`t play
Dor_A 64.39% 74.64% doesn`t play
Empath86772 69.70% 70.10% doesn`t play
WizzyNationz 68.72% 70.87% 36.95%
Operator42 70.38% 67.25% 76.71%
ZHUABA 61.52% 58.77% doesn`t play
gumbag 62.11% 57.92% 28.13%
swedes_meatballs 68.14% 68.45% 50.01%
polanal 60.07% 63.23% 30.42%
Dmargon_151 72.72% 62.59% doesn`t play
AkiTheFox 61.01% 58.76% doesn`t play
Pietrek405 69.41% 67.26% 25.47%
Christmas515 63.17% 67.06% doesn`t play
sajmonek65421 64.66% 70.71% 41.65%
Sheet4brains 60.59% 68.41% doesn`t play
dom100 70.84% 61.85% doesn`t play
Kn0xlp80995 57.28% 64.52% doesn`t play
danilVBVBVBV 67.58% 49.40% doesn`t play
Sir_Berchen 69.14% 66.85% doesn`t play
brutehumiliater 70.90% 60.41% doesn`t play
HupreIX 61.96% 65.75% 24.68%
RavenBook 59.39% 67.99% doesn`t play
Erbuepazzo 70.07% 75.61% 79.11%
scout_liam1 66.57% 70.77% 68.61%
Smagash 65.78% 67.16% doesn`t play
TXBY94 81.70% 70.63% doesn`t play
MILLAZ11 78.63% 66.31% 25.80%
CantHandleMyDunx 69.10% 70.84% doesn`t play
Aramil_Liodon 69.06% 64.17% doesn`t play
Setsuna1969 72.40% 70.92% doesn`t play
WizardSleeves 66.28% 66.80% 80.47%
supercarrots9@live 12.63% 62.33% doesn`t play
LSx22 67.12% 65.90% doesn`t play
РиКоШеТ_НеПрОбИлОвИч 24.27% 80.25% doesn`t play
Ameboto 65.05% 67.67% 27.35%
MustangCHSXMa 86.28% 66.16% 27.48%

Last squadron roster check: Jun 28, 2022