33d Ground and Air Training Sq

last 7 days: 2 visitors and 4 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
jercki72 67.79% 76.12% 40.54%
LargeKilla 64.22% 74.99% 24.73%
Gast401 69.74% 72.19% 60.76%
IHaveNoIdea234 63.22% 61.92% 32.78%
Demonincockpit 68.34% 69.73% 78.09%
Tsururin 64.37% 74.12% 65.43%
MakerOfBeasts 68.80% 68.01% 87.76%
SneakyCobra_SPB 67.95% 69.43% 25.33%
Alpakinator 72.40% 76.13% 26.84%
StratosBear 67.00% 66.22% 79.16%
brooklynspo 60.29% 54.11% 77.63%
Hoobisha 64.21% 68.02% 78.23%
jas777_ 66.44% 65.02% 79.05%
Yossarian_lives 65.24% 64.44% 25.27%
assidiq178 66.05% 60.44% 21.82%
Shift111 70.64% 72.15% doesn`t play
Quigginator 11 60.90% 56.91% 24.53%
Spitfire175 71.63% 70.41% 81.82%
White_Knight68 65.79% 58.70% 82.23%
a_stone 68.03% 71.14% doesn`t play
JogoFraudulentes 22.14% 65.59% doesn`t play
Mxlb1 64.08% 68.90% 35.17%
awesomejohn221 64.31% 75.44% 83.17%
MeijiMilkk 69.53% 65.68% doesn`t play
felixmc 56.87% 64.96% doesn`t play
Velnama 67.72% 62.91% doesn`t play
The_Hussar 60.46% 63.23% 29.46%
debab 61.26% 67.28% 58.79%
ZiSquirrel 65.40% 67.57% 45.53%
cpt_mike 60.25% 46.37% doesn`t play
dan6788 60.64% 60.56% 22.38%
ForceScoreMink 64.22% 65.09% 23.72%
D2WasTooShort 65.91% 70.24% doesn`t play
RageMaster6 52.26% 55.94% doesn`t play
TimSim1 15.05% 56.26% doesn`t play
FangAW 59.24% 66.43% doesn`t play
Tank_Killer_Vic 74.48% 72.43% 81.20%
Supplement 68.20% 67.98% 80.65%
redditviewer 62.11% 65.42% 82.88%
luigiisahero 29.08% 50.97% doesn`t play
TWINKEYS 58.91% 60.01% 29.28%
RedEye ツ 18.18% 77.06% doesn`t play
Nice_zombe 54.79% 56.22% doesn`t play
stewart_tactical 61.18% 68.03% 29.61%
Cacao59 61.66% 64.55% 56.97%
Tfrosty13 65.16% 63.07% doesn`t play
RaveCat 61.45% 59.93% doesn`t play
DGGGGGG 62.37% 58.14% doesn`t play
Sgt_Ross 49.14% 48.13% 14.37%
tobithun 67.04% 63.23% 28.37%
BOYKisser 70.99% 73.48% 37.44%
WTriceman@live 71.77% 72.56% doesn`t play
heile87 70.29% 65.97% doesn`t play
meppamops 65.34% 76.12% 29.71%
JackalJack 62.38% 68.30% 29.40%
Szugar0jciec 60.31% 66.57% 25.88%
NEERVVO 69.14% 68.35% doesn`t play
_ChinChin_ 63.83% 69.90% 31.99%
AUslugger 70.80% 64.88% doesn`t play
R0KET 63.87% 63.30% 62.96%

Last squadron roster check: Jun 2, 2020