Band Of Scrubs

last 7 days: 3 visitors and 3 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
R2Y2 79.01% 70.13% 86.75%
syndrome23 65.83% 62.71% 73.79%
AcemanElite@psn 80.07% 72.10% 81.13%
Jack_Forge 79.36% 70.23% 78.62%
CONTUSION 71.68% 61.12% doesn`t play
CUNCUSION 75.10% 74.20% 30.70%
jdtherocker 66.38% 65.99% 71.96%
PAN_AM 76.48% 70.09% doesn`t play
DracoExAstra 66.97% 65.22% 82.51%
Acebird1 60.57% 64.33% 59.85%
Crimson_Death 67.74% 69.11% 68.81%
Ianbuckjames 70.77% 70.95% 86.11%
B0wl30 70.31% 67.42% 78.05%
Lucy ツ 66.63% 69.86% 34.05%
EasyPZ 67.77% 73.84% 82.88%
duza9999 65.37% 62.93% 79.96%
specwolf82 84.63% 66.79% 72.44%
Schroedinger00 71.69% 72.67% 74.83%
SealyA26 67.41% 65.84% 69.99%
OPNormie 68.86% 70.26% 32.35%
TYRANNOSAURUSREX 67.79% 64.29% 78.13%
matstick 68.85% 73.26% 83.28%
_SNIP3R_ 69.47% 73.21% 81.42%
nrfcool 64.63% 69.58% 78.06%
台灣後衛 69.30% 72.06% 79.59%
Whiskey_077 71.16% 76.84% 29.26%
TwistedFear 62.38% 66.76% doesn`t play
Dreadlord917 61.17% 67.42% doesn`t play
djcoolmanzxz 64.35% 59.89% 70.98%
LinearOverseer 65.22% 64.27% doesn`t play
ikazuti1133 71.43% 63.88% 51.78%
Godsplay 65.76% 73.88% 80.06%
mycroftxxx_2 69.68% 67.31% 72.71%
Gachi_Party 64.32% 71.84% doesn`t play
Woldemyr 72.02% 75.60% doesn`t play
ane3zooz 64.08% 65.96% 70.09%
gaultma21 77.09% 70.10% 78.91%
VirginAttacker 67.26% 78.45% 41.82%
Mattwd 60.98% 64.95% 80.65%
Skytemplar02 69.07% 74.82% 28.41%
NizarElCommander 69.33% 65.36% 81.01%
Ace_of_Salts 67.37% 68.43% 80.58%
Rema1000 59.03% 61.62% 62.67%
M_J 72.54% 74.12% 88.70%
virus553 68.14% 65.25% 80.03%
TomoTheBIAS 73.41% 75.92% 86.75%
DoLoU 69.56% 66.83% 66.25%
hunter56780 61.63% 68.97% 66.20%
Kill_Da_Wabbits 65.48% 64.43% 20.52%
Eonymia 63.75% 73.97% 83.81%
XDelicious_manX 58.21% 67.66% 52.94%
Eometheous 68.06% 69.68% 80.64%
Cyfi_Dawg 75.90% 67.76% doesn`t play
aRRakis 66.24% 69.70% 82.56%
Joaf 62.24% 73.28% 81.17%
MugiTan 61.45% 71.33% 33.68%
Cho_Soi 68.30% 74.01% 82.79%
Jammyman 68.46% 66.68% 80.37%
laxspartan007 70.51% 68.08% 75.44%
D3C1D3 56.46% 66.17% 31.16%
NicoBlacKnight 70.02% 75.12% 74.62%
GaMMa_Weapon 75.11% 75.34% 87.96%
Gerrit1995 60.33% 74.30% 35.44%
ChrìspyKrís 69.45% 66.00% 60.26%
thisconnect你好 69.31% 65.31% 77.81%
MikeTheWarrior 65.87% 67.82% 36.77%
CULT_OF_DIONYSUS 63.54% 58.29% 75.92%
PIAT_LawnChair 62.72% 77.37% 77.71%
Zenitchik_130LvL 64.67% 70.05% 78.92%
CONFESSION 67.82% 69.91% 34.28%
RoastMyWafflez 69.41% 69.80% 28.40%
C_Virus 72.60% 62.35% doesn`t play
Scrumps98 62.99% 74.63% 77.74%
SalteWalte 69.49% 70.86% 61.58%
DonnieDark0 79.04% 70.62% doesn`t play
Mokin_Rin 70.12% 72.33% doesn`t play
Pyros_Ball_Pics 66.25% 74.49% 64.10%
Schmeckinger 69.98% 76.28% 33.40%
Whowins 64.76% 64.91% 51.31%
Itsumishira 68.99% 67.22% doesn`t play
Kokusai 70.20% 74.92% 49.83%
SamueIP 63.56% 64.53% 30.50%
Custom_Gaming 75.11% 73.18% doesn`t play
WAR_Pilot_Elite 65.24% 68.04% 81.80%
CUNFUSION 60.00% 70.69% doesn`t play
flamingarrow46 65.58% 67.62% 79.86%
scooby_s 71.13% 73.24% 25.42%
TottenhamHotpur 61.90% 65.59% 70.34%
Meme_Machine_128 61.23% 60.49% 47.49%
CULT_OF_CONFUSON 55.86% 67.36% 81.32%
CONCUSSION 72.66% 58.62% doesn`t play
____Orion____ 63.70% 69.41% 84.55%
SteamPeeps 81.75% 78.38% 87.10%
LtColLuckyCharms 62.06% 66.99% doesn`t play
rjnelson222 65.32% 69.34% 57.90%
TheHomingPigoen 64.10% 72.58% doesn`t play
Toaster_45 58.98% 60.63% doesn`t play
TheGreenBean1122 54.55% 72.21% 77.26%
TheRealEdiot 62.75% 76.94% 31.34%
Canadian_Llama 64.77% 68.18% 76.28%
Duck0nQuack 57.25% 70.38% 56.23%
Pyros_Feet_Pics 68.23% 70.50% 74.37%
ЮрийГагарин 67.68% 72.22% 40.73%
dangerdeevee 62.09% 77.72% doesn`t play
Akita_Kenshi 64.86% 64.16% 61.76%
GingerNinjaaahhh 69.66% 65.81% doesn`t play
AkiraWasTaken 68.85% 72.39% 25.74%
Bacon090 63.22% 70.47% 81.85%
MenacinglyMeh 66.02% 69.88% 79.35%
frozen_time_2432 14.69% 63.68% doesn`t play
_olifant_ 68.09% 68.54% 86.98%
Fouh 65.60% 68.04% 45.82%
Mechamp 71.25% 71.50% 32.93%
The Proletariat 59.82% 67.97% 86.46%
WorstDragon 67.86% 69.03% 73.53%
Dull_Sandwich 66.21% 73.08% doesn`t play
SoDakHunter363 59.17% 69.31% 36.65%
KingSlayerUSAE 62.31% 68.78% doesn`t play
NitritoDiCavallo 66.76% 66.94% 86.46%
double_1 64.50% 71.65% 30.08%
Duke_Of_Squirrel 72.41% 69.14% 85.32%

Last squadron roster check: May 30, 2020