Brazilian Storm

last 7 days: 10 visitors and 20 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
MarcoWBecker 69.89% 72.23% 14.66%
Artilheiro_PT 76.23% 65.17% 81.72%
Madlost 72.00% 61.16% 38.83%
sky_centurion_br 70.44% 70.20% 73.02%
HazyAsteroid 66.86% 62.66% 78.51%
GuilhasBr 68.53% 66.74% doesn`t play
EndBr 57.87% 61.16% 78.67%
Sentaapua_Wtosi 68.58% 61.68% 24.68%
Bala_De_Troco 70.81% 66.41% 64.21%
Leiroz 75.92% 74.89% doesn`t play
SeuEvandro_Br_ 65.01% 49.43% 20.68%
PapaFox2007 72.77% 67.89% 88.43%
BaLa_Racha_Cuca 75.56% 67.35% 30.16%
Raphael_1BR 73.71% 69.08% 83.75%
RENATINHO 71.69% 55.34% 25.15%
Soldado_FURY_23 70.01% 76.48% 74.35%
folkes 74.30% 74.01% 93.14%
AlanZeira 69.83% 54.75% doesn`t play
Curtis_BRA 66.69% 70.13% 85.83%
Segrini 64.06% 74.32% doesn`t play
RedStoRR 68.17% 70.32% 84.22%
FalconRIP 68.06% 69.00% 48.93%
igor1749 71.02% 69.68% 76.72%
Mroczka 61.83% 61.71% 82.49%
Skillu_Cher0s0 73.24% 65.48% 68.93%
Galk_SCCP 62.08% 67.72% 74.79%
RobertoGamerPT1 62.01% 62.62% 4.21%
_G8_ 64.44% 62.50% 29.43%
C4BRAL_ 61.21% 66.54% 68.37%
kkkaballl 62.89% 65.49% 79.72%
Macarroni_Pilot 66.72% 68.06% 83.84%
X_lMaverikl_X@psn 67.46% 63.40% 23.43%
*DEUSDAGUERRA-leo 49.57% 60.38% doesn`t play
CobraBUBBLES 57.52% 64.94% 77.62%
Fi_Plus 62.67% 61.77% doesn`t play
*thiago-uss 51.65% 58.79% doesn`t play
MatheusBarretto 66.26% 61.88% 27.76%
raptorzb 69.31% 70.52% 80.69%
Renatobm48@psn 66.78% 58.37% 12.69%
Marksu_1 65.47% 57.40% doesn`t play
*Doctor_Plague___ 52.25% 58.71% doesn`t play
italosv 71.05% 70.26% 31.40%
Zurikan 57.40% 63.39% doesn`t play
matheus4736 64.69% 67.17% 72.72%
yJayJay_@psn 55.43% 67.11% 81.47%
bazoka102 66.14% 65.10% 37.47%
_STONER_ 64.26% 55.43% 71.14%
Collins51S1 73.47% 69.65% doesn`t play
pedrocabh15101 58.45% 61.56% 27.65%
lIIlIllIIl 63.52% 60.30% doesn`t play
rampelottieduard 66.80% 60.06% 23.94%
Brunin0775 56.37% 52.03% doesn`t play
xlegera 64.82% 64.65% doesn`t play
trotisk 74.18% 14.20% doesn`t play
PAULINHO_DA_VIOL 70.53% 59.34% doesn`t play
Ravizza111 70.13% 67.23% 30.54%
TavaresBR 60.63% 71.83% doesn`t play
KhoniChan 66.01% 65.44% 60.30%
danilokotita 57.23% 71.70% 20.64%
NO-tan 67.79% 65.59% 83.72%

Last squadron roster check: Jun 4, 2020