Fight 4 Whats Right or Die

last 7 days: 8 visitors and 8 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
biotoxik1 71.98% 71.02% 29.86%
_Cookie__ 60.06% 64.81% 77.36%
FlyingFroto 64.77% 66.77% 76.97%
right_wing_Texan 67.57% 65.12% 80.13%
Whiplash15 64.44% 62.71% 37.45%
DaddyDeluxe 67.00% 65.27% doesn`t play
Hellman_x 65.89% 66.90% 80.98%
Kollpw 52.15% 71.43% 77.20%
aOldRustyTruck 52.42% 65.28% 79.06%
Brooklyn4K 61.60% 65.88% 89.40%
SpeshalGames 67.19% 67.00% 79.66%
Winnie-The-Poo 70.33% 71.11% 77.65%
HiFi低音炮吊舱 68.76% 68.77% 46.21%
NettoRama 59.51% 70.51% 83.35%
simmins 73.70% 62.95% 74.83%
BAKER_Pillz 62.23% 66.38% 77.63%
Tuler122134 60.52% 61.50% 71.77%
Delly101 68.60% 67.80% 79.04%
HiPPY_SW4G 64.00% 64.93% doesn`t play
potaos 71.84% 70.38% 79.84%
ooohhbilly 63.99% 67.04% 76.84%
FpsLunaa 66.05% 68.26% 83.70%
snoggatog 70.64% 72.14% 80.64%
dustyc99 60.07% 70.97% 72.16%
General_Golakka 71.63% 75.89% 79.54%
Darling02TankXX 63.00% 70.41% 26.61%
Hector009 67.24% 70.87% doesn`t play
zuburakum 67.04% 71.51% doesn`t play
Zibrandir 61.17% 69.69% doesn`t play
TheRealArty 69.61% 72.74% 78.52%
GhostFox762 71.81% 72.30% 70.98%
i6E3JIuKuii 64.68% 60.39% 81.77%
DefGepard 54.62% 68.20% doesn`t play
xKr1ss 60.68% 70.48% 76.25%
Patriarch_Dmitri 63.81% 69.68% doesn`t play
ツ ッ ツ 69.79% 70.36% 68.77%
NiceCardboard 66.21% 70.10% 81.13%
TheScotsman4302@live 60.61% 65.51% 75.76%
Trichobezoar 65.48% 73.24% 79.57%
ap__12 65.54% 68.24% 86.21%
博士Doc_Trouble 67.12% 79.06% 81.03%
Cpt_Porkins 62.57% 62.71% 32.31%
Chino_Cafu 64.33% 66.61% 76.53%
Rxzberry 72.64% 66.79% 86.73%
一个翅膀照样飞 67.04% 70.08% 81.31%
mrrpenguin 64.33% 67.99% 31.55%
Puckboy9933 59.47% 68.10% 76.91%
YesMother 63.18% 69.05% 36.82%
DrooI 67.57% 64.56% 43.55%
echosimpz 66.34% 66.84% doesn`t play
Little_Engineer 59.04% 66.79% doesn`t play
Franz_Staud3gger 66.53% 66.68% 82.22%
Ragerboy1223 72.72% 69.36% 84.39%
Cpt_YeetGod 64.75% 67.59% doesn`t play
AutobahnBismarck 57.91% 70.88% 81.99%
NotAPeanut 66.93% 69.27% doesn`t play
Organic-Pillow69@psn 56.64% 68.00% 80.61%
Laelia 65.22% 66.84% doesn`t play
FINN_MCMISSILE_ 62.09% 76.31% 53.17%
carguye_fijiwate doesn`t play 59.70% doesn`t play
AlsoPhant0m 66.28% 63.47% 78.86%
爱扇嘴巴子的王司徒 76.33% 59.93% 49.95%
Boonie_hat 69.41% 69.31% 73.21%
Tactical_Jesuz 68.32% 66.28% 34.94%
Benjamin898 doesn`t play 76.95% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: May 30, 2020