Squadron [OlySt]
Team Olystic

last 7 days: 16 visitors and 44 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
Pope_Shizzle 76.82% 74.47% 75.73%
KorvoAttano 74.13% 86.14% 38.01%
ULQ_LOVER 68.68% 75.31% 88.01%
Nexooos 71.17% 75.33% 80.03%
ReedaNZ 73.04% 78.06% 84.71%
Wogby 74.82% 86.00% 74.77%
TwiisterFG 66.65% 77.13% 72.37%
_AxiE 77.95% 80.56% 88.05%
iNormann 74.70% 82.59% 87.95%
Blunt_Object 74.38% 77.99% 42.91%
BPA_Jon 72.96% 79.12% 83.29%
japes 83.88% 95.46% 84.38%
_B_a_K_ 67.38% 81.51% 73.07%
Windsurfer2105 67.10% 75.72% 82.81%
Fist_N_Love 68.20% 70.96% 83.88%
Fаlсоn 70.74% 74.18% 82.36%
keve20 64.52% 77.41% 80.92%
PapyGros 67.61% 81.30% 79.15%
ChickenFighter 74.41% 82.05% doesn`t play
JustComeAndBouc 61.94% 79.59% 81.59%
raf008 65.50% 71.97% 80.88%
meumeu03 68.78% 72.99% 87.42%
BlaBlaTank 70.71% 71.58% 45.52%
Carmie 68.92% 72.63% doesn`t play
RNGesusツ 69.42% 81.32% 77.74%
_Wexs_ 69.14% 73.08% 66.30%
SealDealer 68.54% 78.87% 30.55%
_4p0k_ 75.46% 79.07% 87.91%
P_E_R_M_A_N_ 73.41% 76.49% 82.31%
TwoFaceHeavy 66.77% 78.24% 82.25%
Pants_Creaminson 66.58% 81.95% 60.08%
Dougie99 70.83% 77.00% 85.56%
BOJ 80.46% 77.99% doesn`t play
Eleven25 63.69% 69.12% 85.42%
otta__ 76.06% 79.32% doesn`t play
Flaxreaper 70.95% 79.72% 79.12%
_Zeke 66.30% 84.81% 78.72%
NestleKitkat 77.84% 71.88% 69.68%
AkulaV_ 77.64% 86.26% 32.87%
SuzutsukiKai 53.43% 71.53% doesn`t play
Bidifou 72.34% 76.18% 78.84%
MItchieM 63.85% 77.49% 82.14%
pahania 30.11% 79.47% doesn`t play
Kai_TG 72.44% 77.48% 43.72%
zHUD 63.23% 81.15% 44.17%
_ 长iskacat1g _ 75.00% 72.29% 81.72%
TheSaltyGuns 69.55% 70.72% 69.25%
_fofo 77.59% 86.97% 36.97%
vraffiniKING 80.29% 79.09% 80.48%
Antr0s 72.64% 93.61% 86.56%
colonel_cookies_ 68.60% 70.31% 82.17%
noBombersinTSS 83.21% 69.57% 78.40%

Last squadron roster check: Apr 10, 2020