Squadron [GUUD]

last 7 days: 3 visitors and 5 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
MaDMaH doesn`t play doesn`t play doesn`t play
yLiTkA 81.39% 63.19% doesn`t play
MrSiniuczek 70.58% 57.95% doesn`t play
oOoCrAzY61oOo 70.71% 56.82% 46.75%
Letun2016 80.61% 75.39% doesn`t play
Uncle-Sam 83.76% 71.20% doesn`t play
NNMO 76.97% 67.83% doesn`t play
GU___ABRa___UD 75.36% 66.27% 73.70%
A_l_e_k_s_e_Y_71 72.32% 60.59% 6.28%
Alminaro 68.40% 52.94% doesn`t play
WEHRABOO 76.49% 58.08% 86.09%
PEREGRINE_FALCON 70.74% 58.39% doesn`t play
atak_TR 73.13% 57.37% 85.41%
Boddah83 74.07% 45.91% doesn`t play
FlyingSlayer 74.01% 45.37% doesn`t play
vscan 75.02% 20.86% doesn`t play
jozojovanovic 75.20% 62.11% 6.99%
totu1111 65.10% 62.99% 14.83%
Ruthless_Savage 76.80% 66.23% doesn`t play
Oncolog 71.89% 54.75% doesn`t play
_DRA_GON_ 76.54% 43.13% doesn`t play
DEDAY 74.19% 16.38% doesn`t play
Closeyoureyes 68.34% 65.59% doesn`t play
PantelijaSRB 70.32% 54.81% 17.13%
Nakres 73.38% 57.17% doesn`t play
Barfee 76.10% 70.96% doesn`t play
shOn 73.67% 13.28% doesn`t play
TTumen_ 69.38% 66.37% doesn`t play
_Ky3bMA_ 76.66% 50.86% doesn`t play
PTDEMON 73.56% 67.42% doesn`t play
Skanque 77.81% 72.86% 27.15%
Sparrow0157 73.44% 13.17% doesn`t play
_Quenser_ 71.53% 68.67% doesn`t play
ElfWaxed 83.73% 19.82% doesn`t play
XXGin_TonicXX 73.08% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Orkpower69482 73.68% 59.06% doesn`t play
Daniel0s_NSZ 72.05% 47.77% doesn`t play
helpmegetgoodpls 69.59% doesn`t play doesn`t play
Codename_HAWK 71.51% 66.18% doesn`t play
__kash__ 69.98% 62.63% 27.67%
Abhas_Gahlot 70.45% 65.91% doesn`t play
Violat0r 77.64% 73.26% doesn`t play
Aerilfy 72.92% 54.64% doesn`t play
HyFlyin@live 73.84% 62.51% doesn`t play
hackspett 79.80% 67.87% doesn`t play
JaxKE 75.20% 67.66% doesn`t play
Dookan 75.62% 13.51% doesn`t play
Tornante 76.39% 45.03% doesn`t play
nerchista 70.50% doesn`t play doesn`t play
yukkuriyattu 71.20% 65.56% doesn`t play
CrazyWolf66 81.35% 68.55% doesn`t play
Alaskaa61_ttv 79.90% 61.09% 85.68%
_Airacobra_ 78.08% 28.35% doesn`t play
Mash5103 71.12% 53.46% doesn`t play
Hyun_Soo 73.61% 67.04% 18.88%
THE_MAN_OF_SEX 74.83% 65.75% doesn`t play
_tib 71.91% 54.69% doesn`t play
InsaniTy 75.26% 48.29% doesn`t play
TickleMeElmoO 74.66% 45.31% doesn`t play
Soloturkkkk 73.20% 63.44% doesn`t play
SmokLink 74.82% 53.50% 17.36%
Potte_John 77.93% 53.37% doesn`t play
Rathanegren 69.81% 62.07% 29.75%
_Guven_ 72.28% 64.90% 83.04%
Broseidon_fr 78.45% 59.50% doesn`t play
-War- 75.61% 46.88% doesn`t play
TVDillpickle 79.97% 66.09% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: Dec 3, 2020