
last 7 days: 2 visitors and 3 pageviews, today: 0 visitors and 0 pageviews.
Player Efficiency (AB) Efficiency (RB) Efficiency (SB)
SergVS 72.61% 69.85% 67.35%
BewarePROMETHEUS 75.98% 60.84% 78.91%
FROST_BITE_ 73.96% 75.08% 29.79%
sweet_Arabic_boy 81.18% 65.73% doesn`t play
DENISG 72.18% 67.01% 26.28%
Начальник СмеНы 70.98% 77.14% 83.26%
panzta 69.89% 72.88% doesn`t play
Loiso_Pondohva 76.76% 67.60% doesn`t play
__AVANGARD__ 75.66% 67.51% 78.25%
_Andrey_40 69.11% 71.75% 86.05%
_KILLDOZER_ 78.28% 78.76% doesn`t play
I_Maks 78.91% 80.40% 84.84%
reversff 76.48% 69.06% 23.51%
Николаевич 81.41% 78.83% 41.81%
CYBERL1NE 71.60% 77.37% 88.48%
wastardlord 75.76% 75.04% 83.03%
Frantic1985 71.02% 49.40% 27.52%
wulfhunter 72.14% 60.36% doesn`t play
DerPanzerbrecher 72.66% 31.92% doesn`t play
Yazuchnik 72.50% 19.32% doesn`t play
Da_Zerb 72.78% 58.02% doesn`t play
BolLoDR_2016 69.91% 66.71% 22.20%
OXOTHUk 66.38% 74.79% 47.26%
Swanderich 59.02% 73.06% doesn`t play
_S_u_p_p_0_r_t_ 76.18% 60.91% doesn`t play
A_v_a_l_a_n_c_e 74.38% 55.92% doesn`t play
Tagish 73.30% 18.58% doesn`t play
Maxxim24 70.39% 70.70% 73.61%
StarLadd 70.54% 72.32% 40.54%
TryCRySiS 67.78% 72.12% 68.27%
stenbf 71.43% 71.72% doesn`t play
II255 68.52% 73.72% 83.07%
GepardLaw 68.96% 66.82% 51.84%
-_ФМВ_- 58.01% 73.75% 28.34%
Kirill2052 76.46% 80.04% 78.38%
B_1_pecn 67.29% 70.54% 79.68%
ThomasMakgvair 63.43% 71.42% 36.05%
K_O_Tdima 54.25% 70.66% 77.86%
Чертила2077 72.82% 67.23% doesn`t play
Z_Dench 79.98% 76.07% doesn`t play
Prorok831 68.23% 68.00% 72.77%
ChuPoKaBra 72.84% 74.73% 86.42%
ImpossibIeWay 69.45% 70.97% 36.30%
Don_GRABOID 65.14% 69.15% 75.49%
Cesc99 69.33% 74.11% 75.60%
ahaokin 71.59% 49.07% 26.58%
ThunderWunderful 72.03% 74.05% doesn`t play
ZeFlR 59.00% 21.48% doesn`t play
Hy_Soldier 21.36% 71.69% doesn`t play
grihan97877 68.83% 71.69% 17.16%
TpaXTop84 71.31% 69.99% 33.62%
BOKEP 64.48% 38.46% doesn`t play
NURALI5 53.76% 57.99% doesn`t play
AgeStar 72.92% 58.88% 25.78%
alexey135506 61.79% 65.46% doesn`t play
lilYoda 57.67% 69.27% doesn`t play
hemul11 75.25% 75.95% doesn`t play
Worex59 71.56% 67.52% doesn`t play
SkillGeen 73.59% doesn`t play doesn`t play
NiceF91 64.11% 67.98% 86.60%
Lahmatiy88 75.78% 55.39% 82.00%
Серп не Молот 68.67% 78.24% 82.87%
SK0BARb 73.57% 76.48% 84.83%
Вялый Грыша 71.69% 62.85% doesn`t play
CTBOJI_BAM_B_POT 66.62% 68.12% doesn`t play
denis_overlord 69.67% 71.06% 84.23%
BrummbardierMadd 71.82% 73.94% doesn`t play
El_TORO 68.75% 67.52% doesn`t play
Slava_98 68.10% 66.99% 43.87%
Ma5terChief 78.33% 84.29% doesn`t play
timfriend 69.67% 58.39% doesn`t play
FROZEN_EAGLE 68.71% 67.92% 78.49%
OLDleeFISH 69.47% 69.55% 30.03%
INAYGAMiNG 71.56% 70.78% 22.86%
Almak2480 63.84% 22.04% doesn`t play
Gidromufta 71.36% 76.76% 86.04%
ST_USSR_ 68.70% 59.24% doesn`t play
SaltySalem 67.88% 68.24% doesn`t play
bulala3 66.68% 53.54% doesn`t play
flyin_gun 72.05% 76.65% doesn`t play
Kot_Zevsa 69.30% 71.13% 44.55%
L9_CEDRON 71.45% 70.11% doesn`t play
Orange_Side 72.66% 69.84% doesn`t play
Toni_009 71.30% 71.22% 78.87%
EternalEmptiness 71.26% 57.81% doesn`t play
khogri 71.48% 75.00% doesn`t play
_MakcckaM_ 76.26% 71.57% 75.41%
P Ness 69.77% 62.94% 39.64%
Sovngarde342 68.80% 68.67% doesn`t play
-КРИП- 69.34% 63.27% 29.98%
Rot_ulitki_imel 73.13% 59.91% doesn`t play

Last squadron roster check: Jun 1, 2020